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Establishment of MIB Immediately after the responsibility was assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Akın Çakmakçı, who had been the Undersecretary of the Ministry for seven years and was also a Mechanical Engineer, convened a meeting with leading representatives of the sector. At the meeting held on May 25, 1989, Şükrü Er from Işık Makine, Arslan Sanır from Coşkunöz, Atilla Kuzucan from Komsan, and Enver Ünal from Asmaş were invited. Undersecretary Akın Çakmakçı entrusted these four individuals with the task of preparing the association s charter, stating, Take charge of this matter and proceed. Following this development, a team was formed to research the scope of work of similar associations both domestically and internationally, while legal experts were consulted for the preparation of the charter. The draft charter was submitted to the ministry on September 19, 1989, and after its approval eight months later, the Machinery Manufacturers Association (MIB) commenced its activities. The first general assembly was held on November 28, 1989. Early Years of MIB The Machinery Manufacturers Association achieved rapid progress during its establishment phase but initially faced hesitancy among companies regarding membership. This reluctance stemmed from the fact that there were significantly fewer large-scale firms in the sector compared to smaller ones. According to Arslan Sanır, Aside from the initial four pioneering firms, only seventeen firms joined us when we applied to the Ministry of the Interior. Therefore, during that period, increasing membership was prioritized on MIB s agenda. Consequently, regular bulletins were sent to all firms in the sector, whether members of MIB or not, to inform them about the association s activities. Moreover, the association took on each member s problems as its own, actively engaging in resolving these issues, which contributed to growing membership and satisfaction among existing members. As a result, membership reached the 60s in its second year and later approached 200. The First Task Given to MIB by Bureaucracy Both during its establishment and afterwards, the Machinery Manufacturers Association maintained close relations with bureaucracy. The first task assigned to MIB by the bureaucracy occurred in 1991. In September of that year, Arslan Sanır, as General Secretary, assumed the chairmanship of the Machinery and Metal Goods Specialization Commission established by the State Planning Organization (DPT).

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